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Communications Policy for Social Media Platforms

1. Introduction

Scarlet41 is committed to maintaining a respectful, engaging, and informative communication stream on all social media and online platforms. In alignment with our core values, this policy outlines the standards for official communications and addresses the management and reporting of harmful online conduct to ensure the wellbeing of all our members.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and representatives of Scarlet41 when they are posting content or interacting with users on behalf of the organization on any social media platform or other online forums.


3. Official Communications

  • Brand Voice: Communications should reflect Scarlet41’s ethos of professionalism, innovation, and inclusivity.
  • Accuracy: Ensure all information is fact-checked and accurate before posting.
  • Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of information and the privacy of our members and partners.
  • Responsiveness: Strive for timely responses to community interactions, maintaining a consistent and reliable presence.


4. Online Harms and Prohibited Conduct

  • Defining Online Harms: Online harms include but are not limited to cyberbullying, hate speech, harassment, and the dissemination of false information.
  • Zero Tolerance: Scarlet41 has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harmful conduct perpetrated by or against its members on any platform.
  • Respect and Dignity: All communications should foster respect and dignity for every individual, irrespective of their background, beliefs, or affiliations.



5. Mechanisms to Deal with Harmful Online Conduct

  • Monitoring: Regular monitoring of our online spaces to identify harmful conduct.


  • Reporting Procedures: Clear and accessible procedures for members and staff to report harmful conduct.
  • Action Plan: A defined action plan to respond to, address, and rectify instances of online harm, including removal of content and reporting to platform administrators or relevant authorities.
  • Support: Provision of support to victims of online harms, including referral to professional support services if necessary.


6. Member Wellbeing

  • Priority: The wellbeing of our members is paramount and is at the forefront of our online engagement strategy.


  • Safe Environment: Efforts to create and maintain a safe online environment will be ongoing and adaptive to the evolving digital landscape.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage and review feedback from members regarding online interactions to improve our communications approach continually.


7. Training and Awareness

  • Regular Training: All individuals responsible for managing Scarlet41’s social media presence will receive regular training on this policy and the identification of online harms.



  • Awareness Campaigns: Engage in awareness campaigns to educate members on recognizing harmful conduct and the importance of reporting it.


8. Enforcement and Review

  • Enforcement: This policy will be strictly enforced, and violations will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contracts.
  • Regular Review: This policy will be reviewed bi-annually or as needed to adapt to new online risks and ensure its effectiveness.


By adhering to this policy, Scarlet41 aims to ensure that all official communications on social media and other platforms are conducted in a manner that safeguards the integrity and wellbeing of our community. We hold ourselves accountable for creating an environment where every member can engage, learn, and share in a space that is free from harm and respectful of all voices.